Construction Management/ QA Inspection Projects
- Bayou Lafourche Bridge at Larose
Client: LADOTD
- IDIQ Construction Management Services within New Orleans District (271 Task Orders)
Client: USACE-New Orleans District
- Construction Inspection Support Annual Contract for SSO Program
Client: City of Baton Rouge/East Baton Rouge Parish DPW
- IDIQ Construction Management Services, Two Child Development Centers and Logistics Mobility Structure at Hurlburt Field, FL
Client: USACE-Mobile District
- Lapalco Boulevard Improvements (US 90 to Segnette Boulevard)
Client: Jefferson Parish DPW/LADOTD
- Construction Management for Fischer Housing Development
Client: Housing Authority of New Orleans (HANO)
- Multi-level Parking Facility at Louis Armstrong New Orleans International Airport
Client: New South Development (Central Parking Corporation)
- IDIQ Construction Inspection for Various Water Projects, BA-41 South Shore of the Pen
- Construction Management of Canal Streetcar Project
Client: Regional Transit Authority
- QA Services for Demolition/Debris Mission in Support of Hurricane Katrina/Rita in New Orleans
- Construction Management for Multi-Family Housing Construction Projects
Client: US HUD
- Construction Management for Juvenile Justice Complex
Client: Jefferson Parish Juvenile Justice Agency
- Construction Inspection of Various Road and Bridge Projects
Client: LADOTD
- Construction Management Services for Hangar and Office Complex in Hammond, LA
Client: US Customs Service
- Construction Inspection of Levees, Floodwalls, and Pump Stations in Jefferson and Orleans Parishes
Client: USACE-Hurricane Protection Office (HPO)